
ThiswebsiteistheopenportalforallthepeopleoftheworldtocontactthetrueUniversalHouseofJusticeofBaha'u'llahwhichisthevisibleincarnation ...,TheUniversalHouseofJusticeresidesattheBaha'iWorldCentreinHaifa,Israel.Itenactslaws“thatarenotexpresslyrecordedintheBook,”accordingto ...,TheUniversalHouseofJustice(Persian:بیت‌العدلاعظم)isthenine-membersupremerulingbodyoftheBaháʼíFaith.ItwasenvisionedbyBaháʼu'...

Official Website of the Universal House of Justice

This website is the open portal for all the people of the world to contact the true Universal House of Justice of Baha'u'llah which is the visible incarnation ...

The Universal House of Justice

The Universal House of Justice resides at the Baha'i World Centre in Haifa, Israel. It enacts laws “that are not expressly recorded in the Book,” according to ...

Universal House of Justice

The Universal House of Justice (Persian: بیت‌العدل اعظم) is the nine-member supreme ruling body of the Baháʼí Faith. It was envisioned by Baháʼu'lláh, ...

The Universal House of Justice

The official website for the Universal House of Justice. The Universal House of Justice guides the activities of the global Bahá'í community.

Messages of the Universal House of Justice

The Universal House of Justice is the international governing council of the Bahá'í Faith. Bahá'u'lláh ordained the creation of this institution in His book ...

Universal House of Justice

…the highest spiritual assembly, the Universal House of Justice, a body elected by the national spiritual assemblies and possessing the sole right to institute ...

Universal House of Justice

Universal House of Justice: Letters & Messages · 25 March 2007 Message from the Universal House of Justice · 2017 Ridvan Message from the Universal House of ...